6 Gainsborough Road, London E11 1HT info@leytonstoneosteopathy.co.uk

Appointment Booking Line

Appointments during COVID-19 pandemic

Introducing Telehealth video consultations

A Telehealth video consultation with one of our highly experienced osteopaths covers the following:

  • A thorough case history we will ask you detailed questions about your symptoms, their history and how they respond to different activities in your day.
  • Visual assessment via movement, strength testing and special orthopaedic tests – your osteopath has developed their assessment skills over many years, and by watching you do specific carefully chosen movements we can work out what is happening biomechanically.  We may also ask you to manually palpate yourself and let us know which areas are tender or warm to touch.   We can assess your home working setup. 
  • Injury diagnosis, and clear biomechanical explanation.
  • Self treatment and advice
    We can show you specific manual techniques that you can do safely yourself to help relieve symptoms, advise you about care and protection (including taping and support) of any damaged or inflamed tissue, and teach you specific targeted stretching and strengthening exercises to help relieve your symptoms and correct any biomechanical issues which may have led to them. We can also give you advice on improving your home working set up to help minimise strain and discomfort
  • Home care exercises
    We will send you a personally designed comprehensive exercise programme with reminder images.

Personally designed care plan and goals

We will design a personalised recovery plan for you, and provide follow up appointments as needed to continue and refine self-treatment and progress your home care exercises.

When we are able to re-open for face to face consultations, we can transition you seamlessly back into face to face, hands-on care, if needed.

Does it work?

Both research and our own personal experience with Telehealth consultations have been really positive. It has been shown that there is high correlation between diagnosis and clinical management decision making between telehealth video consultations and face to face. There is evidence to prove that these types of consultations are really beneficial following orthopaedic surgery, and that they are effective in managing traumatic injury and reducing pain intensity and increasing movement and activity in arthritis and spinal pain. In our experience patients see a tangible increase in mobility and reduction in pain during the session, and are given a comprehensive home care and exercise package to follow and follow up support as required.

Technology and Privacy

We use Cliniko (our patient record system) or Doxy.me for Telehealth consultations – we email you a simple link to click on to access the service, all you need is an internet connection, and a laptop, phone or pad or computer with a microphone and webcam.  The services we use are encrypted and secure, and do not allow us to video the consultation. We can provide telephone support if you do not want to use our secure video services.

We have reduced our usual fees during this time, in recognition of the financial pressures caused to everyone by this situation. New Patient Appointments £35 (temporary reduction)  Follow Up Appointments £53

Our email addresses

Book a Telehealth Video Appointment below by selecting the Osteopathy service and then ensure you are choosing a ‘Telehealth’ option. Either a First or Followup appointment.